Heartache, Strongholds and Trials

I've been away way too long. I thank those of you who have come back from time to time to see if I've posted anything. The support is a blessing and I do plan on posting regularly from now on.  I've survived many a battle since we've last met. I've seen a lot, learned a lot, cried a lot and have grown a lot. And thru it all, God has been faithful.  Here's a short post below to get us reacquainted.  I'm excited to be back! 
Sometimes heartache, strongholds and trials come to be a distraction. To distract you from doing God's will in the here and now, today. I say, DON'T LET THEM STOP YOU. Don't let them keep you down.  When you fall, get back up again.  If your mind wanders, refocus and fix your eyes on Jesus. If your heart is breaking, offer up the peices to God and let him hold you. It's an offering he will never reject.
Strongholds break, mountains get thrown into to sea and dead hearts beat again EVERYDAY. For his mercies are new every morning. Thank you Jesus!



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