God’s Plan For Your Life is Not About YOU!

God’s plan for your life, is not about you. 
 It’s about HIM!”

When my pastor, Pastor Lucchesi, said this on Sunday it really struck me.  Yes, I know my purpose in life is to glorify God, but when you think about God’s plan for your life you usually focus on yourself.  My dreams, my desires, my gifts and my talents.  MY, MY, MY.  I’m not smart enough, I’m not holy enough, I’m not old enough, I’m not talented enough, I’m too scared, I’m too broke or I just don’t have the time. The limitations we put on ourselves can go on forever.

But if his will for my life is about him, than I don’t need to worry about all of that.  If it’s about him and his glory then he will bring it to pass.  If it’s all about him than he will fill in the gaps, make firm your steps, speak through you and use your “weakneses” for his glory.

 Because whatever door God opens, no one can shut and whatever door God closes, no one can open.  He is sovereign!  So I don’t need to depend on myself to see the job through I just need to show up and let God use me. All we really NEED to do is answer the call on our lives because God is faithful and he promises to finish the good work he started in from your birth.

I don’t know about you, but for me, this remaining truth is a game changer.  I pray it will be for you as well.


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