How Much Are YOU Worth?

     As an artist I have the privilege to determine the value/worth of my artwork.  Whether it be a painting, a photo, a song or a literary piece of work only I, the creator, can determine its worth.  Someone may approach me and say, "Hey, I'll give you $400 for your painting".  If that price matches what I deem to be the worth of my creation them I will sell it.  Knowing that that person will treat my creation in a manor worth of its paid value.  But if I reject the buyer, being offended by his low ball offer, I will keep my artwork safe in my collection until the exact offer is presented.  Does this circumstance change the value of my work?  Does the low ball offer erase all of the time and hard work I put into creating it?  What if I try to sell it again and get rejected?  Does that decrease the worth of my creation?  No, not at all.  Why?  Because, ONLY I the creator can truly determine its worth.  Only I know the hard work that went into creating it.  Those were my fingers that mixed the colors, that held the brush and passionately committed to every stroke on the canvas.  It was my heart and mind that poured out the lyrics onto the sheet music.  And it was my eye that detected the beautiful  image captured by my camera lens.  So as an artist, you the buyer can never change my mind on the value that I have set on my creation.  Even if I got desperate and eventually sold it to the highest bid of a $1, my heart would always know the amount of love, sweat and tears that went into creating that masterpiece.

     This is a reality that also holds true for us as creations of the one and only living God.  The Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God.  He said, come let us make man in our own image and let them choose, think, love and be one like us within the boundries of the garden.  Now we all know how the story went.  Adam and Eve rebelled against God, sin came into the world and they were cast out of the garden separating then and us from God.  But God in his matchless love and mercy didn't leave us that way.  We were not without hope.  He promised to send help.  To send us a Saviour.  The Bible says that God loved us so much that he sent his one and only son to suffer and die for us on a cross.  So that whoever would believe in him would not die but live for all eternity in heaven with him (John 3:16).   So from the creation of man to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our value and worth was determined.  I would go as far to say that God determined our worth even before he created the foundations of this world.  The Bible tells us that we are worth more than precious stones (Provers 31:10).  That we were created so perfectly that there is no flaw in us (Sol. 4:7).  According to the Bible you are a royal diadem in the hand of your God (Isaiah 62:3).  Not only are you perfect on the outside but your inward parts were so thoughtfully and delicately crafted that he considers you to be marvelous, invaluable, irreplaceable, undefeatable, and indisputably beautiful. All in all, if no one has told you yet please allow me to be the first to say, YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE.

     You were bought with a price therefor honor God with you bodies literally and figuratively.  Behave in such a way that speaks volumes of your value.  Carry yourself with dignity and respect so that others will have no choice but to treat you as one with a value far above rubies and diamonds.  Do let anyone, any group, culture, industry or ideology tell you that you are anything less then marvelous.  We have a choice in whom we believe.  We do not have to let anyones thoughts of us determine our value.  We can walk in the truth of God's word despite opposition, argument or debate.  Because of our past and upbringing many of us walk around taking on all the negative stereotypes and labeles that people and/or society place on us.  Causing us to behave in ways that are beneath our unchangeable, predetermined value.  Nothing and no one can ever change our God given value.  Can poor, ignorant and/or abusive treatment cause us to doubt, forget and even reject it. Yes, but that still can not change the reality that we are chosen, unique, beautiful, created for good works and so so loved by the God of all creation.  If you are being treated in a way beneath your God given value get help and/or remove yourself from the situation if circumstance require it.  You do have to let the lies of the enemy determine what you believe about yourself.

     So the next time someone or something cause you to feel less than marvelous I want you to step back and ask yourself, does this mirror who God says I am.  If it doesn't, you have God's permission to not only reject it but rebuke/refute it.  Whatever the negative statement is say the opposite.  If they say you can't, say you can.  If they say your not pretty enough, say I'm not only pretty but I'm flawless.  My point is we must begin to internalize the truth of God's word regarding our value and worth so that we can wholeheartedly reject the lies being fed to us all day, everyday.  As we begin to make practice of this we will begin to experience more and more of God's love and the abundant life he died for us to have.  I pray that the truth of God's love and care for you fills and ushers you into a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior.




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