Masterpiece, Our 30 Day Journey of Healing and Discovery

Do you know your true value and worth?  Is your life in dire need of real direction and conviction?  Do you have an intimate relationship with God. If the answer is no to any of these questions than please join me on this 30 Day Journey on discovering the Materpiece that is you.  

God created you with purpose, on purpose for a purpose.  Your are of great value to God, to the world around you and the world at large.  Let's start this new year heading down a path paved with truth, clear direction and real transformation fron the inside out.  Masterpiece, is a 30 Day Devotional and Journal of DISCOVERY and HEALING that God put on my heart in the midst of the greatest crisis of my life.  I wrote it for those of us who find themselves unfulfilled, lost, depressed and maybe unsure of where they fit into this massive universe.  

GOD IS PURSUING YOU because you are his heart. He LOVES you and he loves me! God has a plan for your life and he crafted you in such a way that only you can play that role.  Through this journey of healing and discovery God revealed these truths to me and I believe he WILL do the same for you.  Come along with me and let's discover together God's master plan for your EVERYDAY life and the beautiful Masterpiece that is YOU. I promise you, you won't regret it.

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