Refocus: Good vs Bad

Sometimes our fears, trials and even our sins can overwhelm us. We wonder why it's taking so long to be free from an addiction or another stronghold. We can't understand why God's timing never seems to be in sync with ours when it comes to unanswered prayers. We get impatient with ourselves when we can't figure this life out long enough for us to be still and wait.

Our minds are so focused on the negative. On what's going wrong instead of what's going right. On who we are not, yet, instead of who he has made us thus far. 

In times like these it's important for us to stop and refocus. To shift our thoughts from what isn't to what is.  Your situation and circumstance may not be perfect but if you take a good look around, there is always something or someone to be thankful for.  Even in the worst of times God still tells us to rejoice.  There is something about thankfulness and greatfulness that causes a positve change in our attitude. The bible tells us not to worry but to ask God for whatever we need and NOT to forget to thank him for his answer. The thankfulness is twofold. First, it reminds us of answered prayers in the past and second it encourages us to know that God will take care of us. He will provide just as he has done in the past.  

So the next time you find yourself complaing, beating yourself up or asking "why God?", refocus.  Fix your thoughts on what is going right and before you know it you'll be the one giving a testimony of how faithful our God really is.



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